Adventure Blog
I've been on a ton of adventures over the years but have resisted the urge to blog about all of them. Part of my reasoning was I was always too busy to actually do that. It takes a while to gather all the photos together, write the content, juice up my SEO, and so on, all just to tell the internet that I went for a hike on a random Tuesday afternoon and saw three squirrels fighting over an N64 they stole from some kid. I figured I'd leave blogging to mommy bloggers and influencers.
Until... I did decide to make a blog after all. But not a boring one! In keeping with the theme of the rest of my site – quite interesting things and self-deprecating banter – my blog will be different. I'm calling it, "That Time I..." and will tell my personal tall tales that are all entirely true. Only the most engaging, head-scratching adventures that haven't already been documented will make the cut. If it's not Nathan Invincible worthy, I won't write about it.
Note: this is a work in progress as I delve deep to bring you weird old adventures and constantly go on new ones. Check back for updates!
That Time I...
Hiked South to North Across the Sturgeon River Gorge Wilderness (October 2024)
Hiked a Loop From Black River Harbor to Presque Isle (September 2024)
Biked Around the Sylvania Wilderness and Packrafted Along the Way (July 2024)
Dodged Thunderstorms For the Most Epic Trap Hills Sunset (June 2024)
Explored Every Inch of Deer Marsh (April 2024)
Found the National Champion Red Pine (February 2024)
Broke My Finger in an Uncharted Mining Ruin (January 2024)
Found the Northernmost Lizard in Michigan (August 2023)
Packrafted Under Gleason Falls During a Flash Flood (July 2023)
Discovered a Series of Impressive, Uncharted Waterfalls (May 2023)
Broke Two Snowshoes on an Eight Mile, 80°F Spring Waterfall Adventure (April 2023)
Found a Four-Foot Diameter Snow Roller (March 2023)
Led My Snowshoeing Class Half a Mile Offshore to Some Cool Blue Ice (February 2022)
Built a Snow Hole at the Hacking Site (February 2022)
Found a Porcupine in My Tent (November 2021)
Paddled All of the Lakes in the Cisco Chain (October 2021)
Hosted Gear Junkie and Chevy for a Promo Video Shoot (September 2021)
Broke Through the Ice on a Lake in the Middle of the Sylvania Wilderness (April 2021)
Winter Camped at Sturgeon River Falls (January 2021)
Toured the Inner Workings of Victoria Dam (September 2020)
Hiked the Gogebic Ridge Trail (and Biked Home) (October 2019)
Skied Under the Mackinac Bridge (March 2019)
Camped in a Snow Hole on Norwich Bluff (February 2019)
Camped in -19°F Temperatures (January 2019)
Half Died of Hypothermia for a Sunrise on the Lake of the Clouds Escarpment (December 2018)
Got Locked in With Ice While Winter Lake Camping (November 2018)
Camped in an Extinct Ice Volcano at the Fourteen Mile Point Lighthouse (March 2018)
Moored a Boat on Gull Rock (September 2017)
Paddled to the Huron Islands in the Dark for Sunrise (August 2017)
Hiked Across Pictured Rocks and Made it Home in 60 Hours (April 2017)
Winter Camped at High Rock Bay Before it Was Cool (March 2017)
Paddled to Mackinac and Round Island for July 4th (September 2015)
Hiked Across Four Miles of Ice to Rabbit Island (February 2015)